Safety Tips for the Winter

      The official start of the winter season is only a week away and it is expected to be a rough one. Because of the warmer winters we’ve had the past two years, experts say this one is supposed to be one of the coldest and snowiest winters in we’ve had in quite some time, especially here in the Northeast. Are you ready for the cold?

Prepare Yourself

          If there happens to be a storm, make sure you stay inside and don’t leave your house until it’s over. Be careful walking on snowy and icy sidewalks because it may lead to a fall.

          Dress warm! It is not uncommon to catch frostbite or even hypothermia during this time. Cover up sensitive parts of the body such as fingers, toes, ears and nose because these will catch frostbite the fastest. Wear gloves, scarves and hats when outside. If these body parts are still cold, go inside to avoid these extremities.

Be careful when shoveling snow. It’s best to start shoveling immediately after the storm has stopped because that is when the snow is softest. If you wait until the next day, most likely the snow has started to freeze over and now you are left with an icy driveway and sidewalk.Take it slow. Shoveling is a serious workout and you don’t want to over exhaust yourself. You could throw your back out or even bring on a heart attack. Heart attacks are a major cause of death in the winter.

Prepare Your Car

           According to the Department of Transportation, 22% of all crashes in the US and 16% of all fatalities are due to severe weather such as rain, snow, sleet and ice. If it is snowing, drive only if absolutely necessary. If you must travel, drive before it get dark. Try to avoid traveling alone and stay on main roads and avoid back road shortcuts. The main roads are much safer because they are plowed and maintained more often.

          Get your car checked out for winter inspection. Make sure your lights work to their full capacity and your antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid and oil are all filled. If you have two cars and one has 4 wheel drive, drive that one when snowing. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a bag of salt or sand in your trunk to melt ice.

          Make sure if you’re driving in a storm you bring extra clothes, food, water and whatever else you may need just in case you get stuck. A phone charger and shove would also be very helpful.

Prepare Your Home

          Get your home ready for when the cold and storms arrive. Check for roof leaks and remove loose tree branches that may get weighed down by the snow. Clean out the gutters and disconnect all outside hoses. Wrap the water pipes with insulation sleeves to slow heat transfer.
If you have a fireplace, keep the flue closed when you’re not using it. And make sure that there isn’t any furniture blocking heaters or radiators. Heat is important but you don’t want anything to catch fire. Your entire family lives in your house, protect them!

Follow these tips for a fun and safe winter season! Brace yourselves for the cold!


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