5 Ideas for a New year's Resolution
2018 is officially here! Now is the time to think about what you will do differently this year (that rhymed). The new year is a time to hit the reset button to everything that you don’t like about yourself. Take advantage of it! Be the best You you can be! Here are 5 resolution ideas that you can steal from me and use yourself! Join a gym Exercise is great hobby and great way to stay in shape. Don’t have the motivation? Set a goal for yourself. Lose ten pounds in the next three months, get my bench press up to 200 lbs, get some definition in the abs; whatever it is, you are headed in the right direction! Bring your friend or significant other with you. Or go alone to meet new people. Working out with someone will help you stay driven. Read a book This sounds very simple, but surprisingly one in four Americans have not read a book in the past year. This is scary considering that reading can have such an impact on the human brain. Studies have sh...